Resilience and cohesion of Ukrainian society

This report was drafted by the team of the Ukrainian Independent Center for Political Research (UCIPR) as part of the[...]

EU countries have different opinions on possible options for ending the war in Ukraine, but most are ready to support our country – discussion results

On May 30, 2024, a discussion “2024 Elections for the European Parliament: Impact on Ukraine and Steps to Maintain Support from[...]

Resilience and cohesion of Ukrainian society

This report was drafted by the team of the Ukrainian Independent Center for Political Research (UCIPR) as part of the[...]

Practices of civil protection

of people with disabilities/vulnerable groups during emergency situations and martial law in Finland. This publication was prepared by Colonel (ret.)[...]

Civil protection of people with disabilities

Israeli experience report. Report was prepared by Access Israel within the framework of activities of the National Platform for Resilience[...]

Community experience as a basis for National Resilience Policy

Ensuring the capacity of the national resilience system is a challenge for a resilient Ukrainian society. Today, the whole country[...]

Resilience and cohesion of Ukrainian society during the war. Issue №7

This report was drafted by the team of the Ukrainian Independent Center for Political Research (UCIPR) as part of the[...]

Guide for the authorized bodies of the Member States of the European Union

Guide for the authorized bodies of the Member States of the European Union dealing with the issues of granting temporary[...]

“Стійкість – новий спосіб життя та мислення українців”, – підсумки Форуму спільнот

28 квітня 2023 року відбувся Форум спільнот “Громадська стійкість: безпека моєї громади”, який організувала Національна платформа стійкості та згуртованості.

Форум спільнот “Громадська стійкість: безпека моєї громади”

У п’ятницю, 28 квітня, о 10.00 (за Київським часом) відбудеться Форум спільнот «Громадська стійкість: безпека моєї громади». Захід проходитиме на[...]
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